

About CCDM

Since 2014, the Department of Culture Creativity and Digital Marketing is the whole new department in College of Hakka Studies, National United University. The creative and cultural industries are significant generators of intellectual property, in particular copyrights, and the largest creative and cultural industries regions are also among the largest employment centres for copyright-based industries. ​

Hakka Cultural and Creative Industries

The cultural and creative industries (CCI) represent a significant set of industries in Taiwan, especially for the Hakka ethnic group. Social, cultural and technological changes have helped fuel our thirst and demand for cultural products, new forms of entertainment, distraction, and inspiration. Driven by these changes entirely new industries have emerged (e.g. computer games, web design), older cultural industries have gone from being the preserve of the elite to mass market global industries (e.g. books, high fashion, designer goods), and traditional consumer industries have tried to redesign and repackage what they have always done to suit consumers’ insatiable desire for culture and creativity.

Our Mission

Our mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by improving the skills of the digital marketing.